
Cookies policy


1. General Information

INS uses cookies and other similar mechanisms (hereinafter, "cookies") on the website:

A cookie is a computer file that is downloaded to the user's computer or device when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow you to collect, store and retrieve information regarding visits and use made of the website, in order to allow better management of the website and improve the user experience.

In addition, cookies play an essential role in the provision of services through the Internet as they facilitate the provision of interactive services, such as the participation of users, and simplify usability and navigation through the website.

The user is free to disable cookies and can do so by following the instructions expressed in section 4 of this document. However, it is necessary to indicate that disabling cookies may entail a limitation in the services provided through the website, as well as usability problems.


2. Typology, purpose and operation of cookies

The cookies used by INS can be classified according to the following typology, purpose and mode of operation:

a. Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them:

Depending on who is the entity in charge of managing the equipment or domain from which the cookies are sent and the information obtained from them is treated, a distinction is made between:

- Own cookies: they refer to those cookies that are sent from the system managed by INS and from which the service is provided to the user. The information obtained will be received and managed exclusively by INS.

- Third party cookies: they are those that are sent to the user's computer from a computer or domain that is not managed by INS, but by a third party that will process the data obtained through these cookies. This consideration will also apply to those cookies installed from a computer or domain managed by INS whose information obtained is managed by a third party.

b. Types of cookies depending on their duration or permanence:

Depending on the period of time during which the cookies are active on the user's device or device, the following can be distinguished:

- Session cookies: cookies will remain active only while browsing the website, disabling once the user leaves the website. Among its purposes, it stands out that of simplifying the usability of the website, collecting information on the user's preferences and avoiding re-requesting information that had been previously provided.

- Persistent cookies: the cookies are installed on the user's computer and remain active until the expiration date with which they will count, allowing the website to collect the information stored in them. All persistent cookies have one have an expiration date that is expressed in section 3 of this document.

c. Types of cookies according to their purpose:

In accordance with the purpose pursued by installing each of the cookies it is possible to distinguish between:

- Technical cookies: its main purpose is to allow navigation and functionality of the website, enabling the resources made available to the user. Through them, data communication is allowed between the website and the user's device or device, access and identification of the user's actions, introduction of security elements during navigation, etc.

- Analysis cookies: they are intended to collect statistical information from users, mainly the number of visitors, in order to make measurements and assessments on the use of the website.

- Personalization cookies: they are linked to the user's characteristics in order to offer the website with the conditions that are most practical, such as the language, browser type and regional configuration of the device or device.

- Functional cookies: these cookies are based on the functionality characteristic of the website, since they allow the user to collect the action taken by the user and for it to be recorded.

- Follow-up cookies: its main purpose is related to advertising and the interconnection between websites, since it allows recording the origin of access and the effectiveness of the advertising inserted by INS.